If you smell gas, call the EMERGENCY number: 1-800-233-5325
Mothers Out Front Questions National Grid
At a recent Newton Public Facilities Committee meeting, MOF members met with representatives of National Grid to learn about Newton’s leaky pipelines. Mothers Out Front’s Questions for National Grid.
We learned that, in addition to over 900 pipeline leaks in 2019 (Gas Leaks Map), Newton had several hundred Grade 1 emergency (potentially explosive) leaks in the past three years. In 2018 there were 193, in 2019 there were 209 and in 2020 there were 141. According to National Grid, their emergency response time to a gas odor report is within 60 minutes. In 2020 they responded to 1,072 calls in Newton with an average response time of 22 minutes.
National Grid is required to repair Grade 1 leaks immediately and to monitor Grade 2 leaks and repair them within six months, especially near schools. Grade 3 leaks can go unrepaired for years. Mothers Out Front members and Newton city councilors were upset to learn that, at the rate of current repairs and replacement, it could take 40 years to reduce the leaks in 78% of Newton’s 305 miles of gas mains. Since 2017 National Grid had 31 gas main replacement projects and replaced 6.3 miles of pipe. View the Committee meeting VIDEO (Nat’l Grid answers start at 15 min) and National Grid slides.
Since 2016 Mothers Out Front/Newton has been working to raise awareness of the hundreds of dangerous and wasteful gas leaks under our streets. To learn more about Mothers Out Front’s works to reduce gas hazards and to promote safe clean energy join us.
Health Effects from Gas Stove Pollution
The evidence continues to grow that gas is not only a threat to climate but also to human health, exacerbating respiratory conditions such as asthma and heart disease. A new report from the Rocky Mountain Institute, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Mothers Out Front, and the Sierra Club cites evidence that gas stoves and other gas appliances can cause levels of Nitrogen Dioxide, a toxic gas, that exceed standards for outdoor pollution. Exhaust venting can help. Watch the Sierra Club video (below), and learn More: Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility
Safety and Savings! Air Source Heat Pumps For Fossil Fuel Free Heating and Cooling
MOF member Melainie Renaud spoke with MOF member Elaine Landes about the four heat pumps she installed in her Newton home a few months ago. Elaine had been happy with the heat pumps in her Cape house and now wanted to add A/C to her Newton home.
Her installer (New England Ductless) had been vetted by the HeatSmart/Newton program. The installer provided the best type of unit for each room. “When faulty control box wiring prevented the back up oil furnace from starting when the temperature dropped below 40 degrees the installer returned and fixed the problem at no cost, and now everything is working fine.”
Thus far her heating costs have been significantly reduced. And, having “opted up” to 100% renewable electricity with Newton Power Choice, the electricity that runs the heat pump system comes from local New England renewable sources. In addition, she obtained a $4000 rebate through the state’s MassSave program. Elaine would “definitely recommend” heat pumps — they are a more efficient alternative to electric baseboard heat and for whole house air conditioning.
Find more information at HeatSmart/Newton
From Triage to Transition, HEET’s beautiful annual report, describes the non-profit HEET’s critical work…
triaging the safety and climate impact of the current system, designing a transition off gas that all stakeholders approve, and transforming the narrative to attain market acceptance, is our three-pronged approach to Beyond Gas.”
More information at
If you smell gas, call the EMERGENCY number: 1-800-233-5325