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Learning About Local Watersheds in Concord, MA

Learning About Local Wetlands in Concord, MA


The Concord Chapter of Mothers Out Front joined wetlands expert, Ingeborg Hegemann Clark from OARS, for a walk along the Sudbury River on Sunday. Twelve families met at Bear Hill to stroll, socialize, and learn more about the local watershed.

Mothers Out Front member, Laura Davis, kicked off the event with a reading of The Tree in Me by Corinna Luyken. Then families set off along the forested path, where Clark identified local plants and explained how rates of carbon sequestration differ in mature vs. newly-planted trees.

Once at the river, Clark led the children in a series of educational activities, including a food web game and soil exploration. Each child was given a different animal card so they could “be” an animal in the web that exists along the Sudbury River. Children were able to see the relationships between their animals and all of the other creatures in the river system. Clark also extracted soil samples from the forest and riverbank so participants could learn how soil composition is influenced by events taking place in the local watershed.

At this community-building event, longtime Mothers Out Front members and those new to climate action came together to appreciate our protected natural spaces and learn about the role they play in carbon sequestration and climate change.

We thank Ingeborg Hegemann Clark and OARS for sharing their time and expertise, and for their commitment to our organizations’ shared values of environmental preservation.

The OARS mission is to protect, preserve, and enhance the natural and recreational features of the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers, their tributaries and watersheds. They will be hosting their 35th Annual River Cleanup from Friday, September 17th through Sunday, the 19th. Register here to join OARS for Cleanup Day or a self-guided Team Up Clean Up!

Shelly Karlin is a volunteer with Mothers Out Front in Concord. She is a mother of two and a firm believer that environmental action creates hope.