Worcester, MA: Gas Leak Detective Community Walk
The Worcester Chapter invites you to a “Be A Gas Leak Detective!” at a community walk. At these family-friendly and socially-distant events, you can learn about Worcesters gas leaks. During the walk, we’ll make observations of our surroundings to learn how to identify gas leaks. We’ll record what we find for follow up. We’ll only be looking for “non-explosive” leaks identified by the utility company and leaks that the utility company has publicly reported as “repaired”. We may also identify new leaks. While gas leaks can be dangerous, they are also all over the place in Worcester: in 2020, utilities left over 600 leaks unfixed locally.
These walks are co-coordinated with a research team supervised by Dr. Sara Wylie at Northeastern University Social Science Environmental Health Research Institute and coordinated by Sarah Lerman-Sinkoff, a PhD student at Clark University’s Graduate School of Geography (GSG). Learn more about this research project here.