Protect Our Air Our Lives
Date: November 27, 2021
Time: 2-4PM ET
Location: Angler's Park, 350 Northside Dr 21 Angler's Park, Danville, Virginia, 24540
We will be at Shelter 21 Angler’s Park, 350 Northside Dr, Danville, VA 24540
Parents can’t control the air our children breathe; we depend on our leaders to do their jobs and protect our children. We want to identify real climate leadership, and we need actionable commitments from our leaders. We must take action to protect our most vulnerable communities from the impacts of the MVP Southgate Air Compressor Station. We have family-friendly events, such as bubble stations, face painting, and many more…
We will have several speakers, such as William Barber III, Crystal Cavalier, Desiree Shelley, NAACP, Poor People’s Campaign, and many more!
Please register here: