On Tuesday, June 22nd Boston Mothers Out Front members held an event where mothers, youth and people of all ages joined forces for a high-spirited event on Beacon Hill. With pots, pans and noisemakers, they rallied to waken lawmakers and push them into more aggressive action on climate justice.
“There are a lot of sleeping legislators right here. But you know who hasn’t been getting enough sleep? Children waking up with asthma attacks and the parents of those children.” said Paulina Casasola of Clean Water Action.
“These children are being exposed to transit emissions at a higher rate, at a higher rate than white people. “It’s time. We need to do something about this!”
A broad coalition of people and organizations came together for the event, which was timed at the end of the session – with only one month left to pass laws and get them signed by Gov. Charlie Baker.
The groups are working together to curb the emissions that drive climate change and poison air quality, and to address the needs of underserved communities.
“This legislation that has been proposed does not nearly meet the moment,” said Nick Oviedo-Torres from MA Renews Alliance. “Specifically, it does not meet the moment when we are talking about environmental justice!”
The rally was proceeded by visits to lawmakers’ offices and followed by street theatre and a march with pots and pans.
Anne Goodwin of Mothers Out Front led the group in a song she crafted for the occasion, “Wake Up, Legislators!” Here’s a video of key events, with the song at minute 17.