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West Roxbury, MA: Earth Day at The Arnold Arboretum

West Roxbury, MA: Earth Day at The Arnold Arboretum

Date: April 22, 2022
Time: 11:00am - 11:30am
Location: The Explorers Garden, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, 02130

Join Mothers Out Front on Earth Day for a climate action gathering and tree planting event at The Arnold Arboretum.

Mothers Out Front members from across the Boston metro region with gather from 11:00-11:30 in the Explorers Garden on Bussey Hill (see the map below).

Director of Horticulture Andrew Gapinski and Horticulturalist Brendan Keegan will share some of the sustainability practices that the Arboretum has embraced over the past few years. They will also share some highlights of conservation practices that have enabled the Arboretum to be a safe harbor to woody plant species that are near extinction in the wild. This gathering will also feature the planting of a rare species x Crataemespilus canescens (274-2018*A), which was described by Head of Plant Production Tiffany Enzenbacher in the Arboretum’s quarterly magazine, Arnoldia, Volume 77, Issue 1.Andrew and Brendan will share tips on how to ensure that a new tree thrives once planted.

Join this event to hear about these fundamental sustainability practices. The Arnold Arboretum is a remarkable asset for us to have in our community and is itself sustained only through past and present donations. Consider joining the arboretum as a member. Please visit the Arboretum Give and Join webpage to learn more.

The Arboretum is glorious this time of year. Following the formal program, Mothers Out Front member Suzanne Mrozak will lead an informal walk of her favorite spots.