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The Power of Trees

Planting trees for climate resilience.


Our Goal

Brookline Mothers Out Front is partnering with the Town of Brookline to expand the Town’s tree canopy and plant 400 trees each year. We are helping the Town reach this goal by helping to plant a Mini-Forest, and by encouraging property owners to apply for a free tree through the Town’s Front Yard Tree Planting Program. We can only reach this goal with the help of families, homeowners, building owners and advocates.

Our Opportunity

We will help the Town recruit Brookline residents to participate in a Mini-Forest “planting day” and help with weeding and watering during the Mini-Forest’s first few years. We will also help spread the word about the Front Yard Tree Planting Program and how residents can apply for a free tree. Neighborhoods with low canopy cover will be a top priority. Our promotional campaigns will include knocking on doors, and sharing information online and at Town events in which we celebrate the power of trees for a livable climate.


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